Today the weather was pretty good and so we decided to rent a car for a couple of days to do some sightseeing in St. Martin; as well as some provisioning. We got up early and went to Paradise Rental Car Service to get our car. It is a cute little car and we are all excited to drive around in a car again. It is overcast, but still very hot so we do appreciate the a

ir condition in the car very much. The first day we started in the Dutch quarter of St. Martin. In Oyster Pond Bay we got stopped by a friendly girl that handed out some tickets that we could scratch to win a price….guess what Carlos had the chance to win one of the first main prices, we only had to drive to this

hotel and listen to a presentation for 60 minutes and we would get a camera , $ 1000 or seven nights’ accommodation…..hmmmm…as you can all guess we should have listen to our alarm clocks….it was a time share scam and we got sucked right in….we wasted nearly 2 hours of our beautiful day to get nothing…..ah well you life and learn, we won’t do that again in a hurry. Once we got out of this stupid time share mess we continued our trip! We stopped at every little beach and made the most of the day, but St. Martin is not that big and w

ithin a few hours we had surrounded the island. We end

ed up for happy hour at Barnacles again and then went hom

e, had something to eat and went home and had an early night. The next day we got up early again to make up the time we lost yesterday and we also wanted to do some food shopping. Today we started at the French quarter of the island and visited Fort Louis first. We had to walk up some hundred stairs to the top of

the mountain in that unbearable heat, but the view from the top of the mountain and Fort was

amazing and well worth the effort. Then we continued and paid the Lotery Farm (a day retreat) a visit, it was very beautiful and we all would have liked to stay there a bit longer, but it was a bit too expensive for us. The next stop was Friar Bay where we stopped for a little swim and were we met a nice Australian family that is cruising the Caribbean with their 43 foot Morgan. We also stopped at the Butterfly farm before we dived into a serious shopping spread at Cost u Less. Today we got home just in time before the big rain hit St. Martin…… we had a relaxing night on the boat watching a family movie !
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