Last night was a very exciting night for us and a lucky escape. At round about 3 am I woke up and could not go back to sleep anymore, because our guest flag made such a noise. Finally I decided to get up to take the guest flag down, and while I was looking around I all of a sudden saw a boat dragging anchor and coming towards us! I immediately got an adrenalin rush and was instantly awake. I called for Sven; in the rain and wind we tried to push the boat away with our Dinghy which was close to collide with our boat. Sven hopped into our Dinghy and tried to push the boat away as I tried to keep it off from our boat. I

put fender out as well as push

ing with my hands. Lu

ckily our Dinghy was strong enough to push the other boat against the wind and this way we finally got rid of the other boat. The Yacht was unmanned and floated further in the dark in the Bay. We watched a bit longer and made a pan pan call on the radio to alert other cruisers. Oh, what a night! I

n the morning I quickly went for a shop with Vicky and Mike and once I came back we went to check out the 5th Child fest in St. Martin. It is the single largest chi

ld-focused fundraising activity in St. Martin. It was fun, huge and filled with families, definitely not something that I had expected. There had all kinds of activities for the kids to do; from face pain to crab races, pie and water balloon throwing to t-shirt painting, bouncy castle and all kinds of different varieties to eat, shows and a drum parade. The whole festival was pretty well organized apart from not supplying any rubbish bins, so you can imagine the mess after a few hours into the festival. However Julia and Carlos

had lots of fun and spend lots of money and have done our part of supporting this annual fundraising event. When we came back home we were totally exhausted from the heat, the temperatur

e here in St. Martin has probably easily topped the temperature we usually experience on the annual Gala Day in Mangawhai. While we relaxed on the boat it started again to blow and to rain. We had a shower, cleaned the boat and collected water while the sky bucketed down the rain. The excitement of the day did not stop here, this time we dragge

d and had to reset our anchor. While we pulled up our anchor we discovered that our anchor had tangled itself into an old sunken Dinghy. I tried to push the Dinghy off with our boat hook, but luckily another cruiser came to the rescue and helped us and it all ended well. For today I had enough and will pull the blanket over my head and let everything else be. Good night!
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