We heard it through the Grapevine..... the deal of a lifetime! Stay in the 4 Star Lifestyle Resort in Puerto Plata for $ 10 per person per day .... all inclusive!
When we first heard about we did not even pay much attention to it.... dismissing it with the thought ....there must be something wrong with that! Little did we know. However the subject came
up again after our Friday morning Yoga class. Mat had booked himself into the resort and was telling us all about it. When I got home that morning, I said to my family, right we
are going too.... we or definately I did needed a break from our routine....what could go possibly be so wrong with staying in a nice place for $10 pp per day all inclusive...if we don't like we can always go home. I made Sven book it and a couple of days we packed our bags to go holidaying in Puerto Plata. I was dreaming of having a hot shower and slipping myself between white clea
n crisp sheets.

We took the Guagua (cheap Taxi in the DR) to Imbert and from there we went to Puerto Plata. The Taxi dropped us off right in front of the Resort and boy were we in for a surprise. The Resort exceeded our total expectations. It was very nice, the staff was very friendly and the food was extrodinary and the be
st thing of all I did not have to do any cleaning or cooking for 6 days.....yahooo!
We made the most of our stay and we enjoyed every minute of it. I had time to go for my yoga practice on the beautiful beach in the morning and would go back to the room afterwards to wake up my family for breakfast. We all enjoyed the variety of food in the morning, for lunch and for dinner. We always found something on the buffet that suited our taste buds that day. After our meals Sven and I would go to down to the beach to lie in one of those beautiful beach beds, while the kids got entertained in the Kids Club. They went horseriding, to Ocean
World and the entertainment program did not stop until late in the evening. We had shows to go to and Julia attended a Talent Show........ We all loved it and were very sad to leave the place..... what a shame that we did not book us in for alonger period.....however we enjoyed the time that we had there and when we left it felt like we had been there forat least a month..... thats why it took us a while and it was really hard to go back home and settle back into our routine.... cleaning, cooking and homeschooling... but we mastered and we are back on our beautiful JUCA and enjoying life on the water with no hot water and our own sheets :)
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