Our last day here in Trellis has been occupied with preparing and cleaning the boat, checking out, filling up the fridge and sayin

g goodbye once more to all our friends. One eye is crying the other one is smiling and showing excitement for our journey to St. Martin. At 5.30 in the afternoon we untied JUCA from the mooring ball and headed out of Trellis Bay. Kim waved and blew goodbye on the conch shell for us and Trish rode along side JUCA in her Dinghy for a moment……the children kept asking why we had to leave, they really liked it Trellis Bay….. Just before dark we passed

Virgin Gorda and Fallen Jerusalem towards the Anegada Passage and heading towards St. Martin. The weather is perfect the wind came from north northeast and the temperature was mild. Sven and I took turn on the helm and Julia and Carlos kept us company in the cockpit until they fell asleep. At 5.45 am we reached St. Martin just as the sun is climbing out of the ocean. We are very tired but very happy that we had such pleasant crossing. We looked for a safe anchorage followed by breakfast and then Sven went to check us in on the French Side. Everything went smooth and the check in cost us only US $8 or

5 Euros and we can stay as long as we like. The French side is part of the European Union and being Germans allows us to stay here without any problems…..

welcome home! After the check in we all get into the Dinghy to explore the French side of St. Martin. I tried to explain to Julia and Carlos the situation on St. Martin that one side is French and the other side used to belong to Holland, but now is independent but still considered the Dutch side. On side of the Island they speak French and the other side they do speak English or Dutch. Our first impression is good, everyone is friendly is a bit more reasonable then the BVI’s and the shopping is just fantastic; nice shops great food and interesting restaurants. Once we got back to the boat which was still anchored in front of the lagoon in Marigot Bay, we had lunch and then lay down for a couple of hours and caught up on some sleep. The plan is to move into the lagoon tomorrow morning. In the afternoon we caught up with some old friends from Luperon, Georg from SV “Rosanante” and Jackie and Chris from SV “ High Heeled”.
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