Our first day at school is over and boy what an experience. When we arrived in the morning we talked to the principal first. Luckily we had met Jula with her boy Anton a couple of days earlier. Jula is from Cuba and speaks perfect spanish, but they do live in Germany so they also speak perfect German. So Jula has enrolled Anton into the Luperon school as well. They help us greatly to bypass the language barrier in the beginning, what more could we have asked for. So Anton understands a bit of spanish, so our children have to dig up their German to communicate to Anton to find their way around the spanish speaking school.... I love it.
I had promised Julia and Carlos that I would stay with them for the first week, but the teacher did not want us there. When I picked up the kids at lunch time, they were so angry and annoyed. They said that sc
hool was boring and they also complained that they could not understand the teacher at all.... that was so cute. So Carlos ran off and got lost on the way back to the Dinghy dock and Julia was letting loose about the teacher... not only couldn't he understand them but he also pronounced her name wrong. The spanish people cannot pronounce the J, they say
Hulia instead. So she tried to set him right, but luckily he could not understand her. Little Julia defending her name and rights! She also complained that the class was too easy and I had also forgotten to leave her with som
e money that she could buy something to eat and drink in her breaks. She is so cute....
We had a pretty quiet relaxing afternoon after so much excitement.
I had a good talk to Julia and Carlos again and explained to them why they are going to that school and I said to Carlos that as soon as he could speak spanish he does not need to go to that school anymore, that got him thinking and hopefully movtivated......
The next day they went to school again full of enthusiasm and hope for another day in school with lots of fun. I am very proud of both my children. On their second day I gave them some money (25 pesos ) for their lunch break and they already got greeted by some of the children at school, so here we go, they settled in nicely. When Sven and I were on our way to pick them up from school, school had finished a bit early and here they are already on a motorbike on their way to the Dinghy dock, you should have seen our faces when they passed us. They are pretty self sophisticated.....
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