Another Easter has crept up on us and this time round we are celebrating it again in Mangawhai New Zealand. We decided to spend some time with our friends Kyoko and Tich and their two children Dylan and Marine. Kyoko prepared a lamb and prepared it beautifully with garlic and rosemary. I made a traditional German “Rotkohl” red Cabbage and an Apple Strudel with a nutty crust. Our lunch was simply delicious. Before lunch we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids and it was fun to watch them racing around the garden. The w

eather has been extremely friendly with us and we enjoyed a very sunny Easter Sunday, with great company and a delicious meal.
In the afternoon we went for a little Tikki tour around the coast. We still need to find a property or even better an area where we would like to settle down for a while. Bingo and we have been lucky; we have found a great spot with sea view, close to the beach, close to Whangarei and good schooling for

the children. We will investigate this option a bit closer the next few weeks and see what will come out of it.
The other great news is that I have finally found a cheap flight to Germany, so I will be off to Germany with Julia and Carlos. Yeah, Julia and Carlos can finally spend some time with their grandparents and hopefully bond with them, another goal is that they will learn the German language better and I will get to do my Yoga Therapy Training, which I intend to do. Lots of great things are happening and I feel

very happy and uplifted by all these developments in our life. I believe once I have been to Germany and completed my mission over there that I will settle much better back here in New Zealand. I am wishing everyone peaceful and sunny Easter Days.
Hi I`m keiko from japan.I found him obituary another newspapaer.and also found this blog. picture was very simmiler to tich live in japan. I am shocked so much.Roger gayford tich right?live in whangarei?his friend,boyd smith and wifemachiko?right?I thought He woud passed away loney.but had beautifulwife kyokosan and his twochildren. I`m so happy he would always care with wife children,and many friends till the end of his life.thank you so much.about4years ago Tich would appear in my dream sometime. then I getting worrry about him,even never met or letter no conntact with him around morethan25years. then I was serching him.if you dont mind , I want to know him after left japan,andthe time spend there, his job what he doing and children.I feel very safety and will can sleep well. keiko ibaraki from Jpan