What has been happening in our life. The children have more or less settled into their new routine and have nearly completed their first term in public school. Another couple of weeks and we are up for our first school Holidays...Yeah!!! A few times I have heard, especially from Carlos who could not wait to get back to school, if I would consider homeschooling him again. I believe him and his teacher are not hitting off that well. I am carefully watching the space and events, but have to say, since my
homeshcooling days I am much more sensitive and critically in regards of the education of my children. Julia is very lucky this time round and is continue to blossom
. She absolute adores her teacher and I blieve this is on mutual ground. Her teacher is very nurtering for Julia and encourages Julia very much to get more and more involved in her own leraning. Excellent, could not ask for more!
Sven and I are still searching for the right property to settle down. We had a few doors closed on us, but you know us, we never give up. However it is hard to comunicate our process at the moment as it changes with the day if not hour. One day we are buying a dairy farm, the next ad dry stock farm, next minute we are buying property as an investment, the next minute we are moving to Australia or Abu Dhabi. You can tell that we are trying to be flexible, but it is also very exhausting and sometimes I have got a hard time to keep up with all the changes. At this minutes we are settling in Mangawhai...is that what I want....I am not too sure about that. In the meantime I continue to teach my 5 yoga classes in the community and I have just been offered a job as a Teacher Learning Support. I have accepted and started on Monday. I am a translater for a little German girl helping her to improve her english while sitting at school, playing with other children and listening to the instructions from the teacher. It is a pleasant job and I hope that this might open another door for me.
Sven is trying hard to find something to do and just the other day he had a brilliant idea... we will see where this will lead to and I am going to write more about this next time I am here on this page.....so please watch this space as things are happening and I will share them with you........
aw, a growing season . . . I look forward to seeing what you and your family bloom into! love ya~