I have got lots of catching up to do and will fill you in what has happened in the last couple of weeks. Time is running fast since we have been back in New Zealand and some events are simply overtaking us. One of our

biggest events has probably been Julia turning 10. Yes she is not a little girl anymore and has now officially entered the “Teen” years. We had a carrot cake with delicious cream cheese icing on it and shared this cake with our friend Kyoko and her family. The next day Julia had invited some of her friends and we went to the Roller Disco. They had lots of fun at the Roller Disco and afterwards we went home and make our own Pizza and the girls had a sleepover… the girls had lots of fun together and it was nice to see them all so happy in their own little world.
Our housing situati

on has become a bit confusing. We stayed nearly seven weeks with our friends Susan and Tahi, did house sit for a couple of weeks for some other friends and last week we had to move for the third time. I do feel a bit like a gypsy and luckily we only have to pack our five suitcases and a couple of bags each time, which keeps it fairly simple and easy, however I am sooo longing for our own home!
In regards of buying some la

nd, farm or house, we have put an offer on a farm up north which we all liked very much and had fallen in love with. The owners have accepted our offer, but it now seems that the bank is not coming along to the party and we have to get Plan B out of the draw. Even though I am very disappointed, I still believe that the right place for us is still out there and the universe will provide us with the right home in the right location that will serve everybody’s needs and desires.
Julia and Carlos are still enjoying another week of school holiday, which has probably their longest time off school since starting homeschooling. One more week to go and then it is back to a public school system. I have been teaching Yoga daily since the beginning of January. The class is a great success and I have been lucky enough to have enough students signed up to continue the work, wondering where this will lead us. I have started my training as a Yoga Therapist and already attended one

workshop with Mark Whitwell in Auckland. It has inspired me very much and assured me that I am on the right track with my vision. A couple of days ago we celebrated our daily Yoga class achievement with a Kirtan and the evening turned out to be a total success. A few days ago someone asked if I could do a little speech on “Yoga and Sailing” at their club, so this will be my mission for the next couple of weeks to get our pictures and story aligned.
This is where we are standi

ng at the moment, happy and getting on with life, but still not having found a home to live in. I have to admit that I find it much harder to settle back on land that I found settling on the boat, however I am keeping my thought positive and look forward to our future on land, knowing that it is the right thing to do right now, especially for Julia and Carlos. Please keep in touch and I will try to be more regular again with updates.