Yesterday we met up with Norbert a German sailor from Hamburg and Caroline and Urs from Switzerland. Norbert loves to fish and got out that morning and caught a big bowl of Sardines. Luckily he likes to share so he prepared the fish, and invited everyone for a meal. Everyone brought a bottle of red wine and some salad along and we had a wonderful BBQ on the beach. We introduced roasted Marshmallow to Urs who had never eaten roasted marshmallow on the spit. Delicious! Julia and
Carlos played
on the beach and found lots of interesting things and played amazingly together. Julia got bitten by a crab and was peeved off for a while with the crabs on the beach. However it did not take long until you saw her again chasing crabs along the beach with Carlos. When Julia and Carlos went to bed that night they mentioned once again what wonderful and special experience the BBQ with Norbert, Caroline and Urs was for them.
Today Sven went into the little village today and tried to rent a car without any success. The weather and swell had settled down so we decided to sail around the corner towards the most southern anchorage of Martinique, Le Marine. It took us 2 hours from anchorage to anchorage and we settle down next to our friends from Calab
ra where we enjoyed a drink or two while the sun disappeared on the horizon and settling down for the night. 
Today Sven went into the little village today and tried to rent a car without any success. The weather and swell had settled down so we decided to sail around the corner towards the most southern anchorage of Martinique, Le Marine. It took us 2 hours from anchorage to anchorage and we settle down next to our friends from Calab
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