The day has come and our last days in New Zealand (Mangawhai) have arrived. Packing; packing; packing was on our list. Thank you to everyone who has helped me to get everything done, I have really appreciated your support. Or last days have been very memorable thank you Eva for accommodating us for the last 12 days and giving us a home in transition, thank you to Kyoko for your endless support, thank you to Anita for our picnic in our living area while cleaning up, thank you Tahe, Susan, Sue and Helen for your help ( mentally as well as physical) and there are so many more to name, thank you all for a lovely yoga class on the beach; thank you… thank you to everyone for their friendship and support over the last 19 years that I have been in Mangawhai.
The morning of the 12th of January 2010 has arrived and we are getti

ng ready to go to the airport. I am a bit overweight luggage wise and I have got one bag too many… no worries we will see what they have to say about that at the airport. The trip seems long to the airport and we are just making it in time. There is a long queue to the counter and here we go; 164 kilo and one bag too many and there seems to be a problem because of the name difference of the airplane ticket and the boat purchase letter that allows us to enter the States with a one way ticket . Luckily I have got my marriage license with me, just as Kyoko had recommended the night before. Ok, after a bit of waiting and discussion the result is that I have to pay $ 200 or repack my luggage to six bags, time was short and we had 5 minutes to decide. All right, Kyoko and I ripped the suitcases open and started to repack. I feel like we are on a reality show, how quickly can you repack your luggage at the airport. A few things have to stay with Kyoko at the airport and we have to decide very quickly what is most important to take, all kind of thoughts are rushing through my head and clothes are flying from one bag to the other and than its all done and no turning back... Now we have to run, it’s time to race to the departure gate; everything has been a bit of a rush…. I hardly have got time to say goodbye to Kyoko, I can feel panic settling in, the tears are running and I wave and then we lose sight of Kyoko, Marine and Dylan. When will we see them again, there is no turning back, just looking and walking forward.
We are sitting in the plane to Los Angeles. As we are lifting up into the air I look down onto Auckland and New Zealand; my home for the last 19 years and I am saying good bye….. taking a deep breath in, lifting my head and look into the faces of my children that show pure excitement and ready embrace to the new adventure and lifestyle that we are heading towards. No time for sad thoughts….. what’s on the Food and TV menu, that’s what count at the moment. The flight to Los Angeles is 10 hours and easy. Than the journey drags on a bit, as there is no TV and nothing to eat on the plane from Los Angeles to Dallas and from Dallas to Norfolk. Carlos is complaining about the service.
When we finally arrive in Norfolk, we are tired and hungry and it’s late, and oh my goodness I had forgotten how cold wind can be. The weather in Virginia/ Norfolk has been the coldest for years, and it’s not very pleasant, but it is pleasant to be united with Sven again. We are loading or entire luggage into little trolleys and bringing them to the ship, getting everything and us on board and uiiii it’s different than what I imagined. I don’t try to think too much I am tired and all I want to do is go to bed and have a sleep.
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