Every time we believe the beauty of the Islands cannot be topped we are strucked by more beauty, each Island is unique and more beautiful. We are anchoring on a mooring in Staniel Cay, opposite the Thunderball Cave. The movie "Thunderball" with Sean Connery has been filmed here in 1964, long time ago, but I am sure nothing much has changed on this island. The population here is 82 ... you better get on with your neighbour, not much to choose from.
During the day we visit the Thunderball Cave and feed the fish. We do take pasta packed up in a water bottle with us... and would you believe it as soon as we open the bottle we are surrounded by millions of fish, what a feeling, what an experience for all of us. To take a break from snorkeling and swimming we take time out to visit the swimming pigs ... I did not know that pigs ca
n swim. There a really funny as they come up to your boat and want you to feed them, some of them are quiet aggressive and we are worried that they might jump ship, so we are careful and try to trick them for some good pictures. Julia has got the pleasure a couple of days later to go with Ellen from Canada to see and feed the pigs again and this time she is lucky and is feeding the little piglet.....
In the evening we do enjoy the athmosphere and dance to the music of the Staniel Cay Yacht Club and having the pleasure to meet interesting and exciting people and to enjoy their company....
Then again its time to say goodbey and now we are heading towards Georgetown...
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